Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thoughts on a Sickness
So, my school is awesome. I got a ride to the hospital, I had someone wait with me, constantly checking on me, I got an several emails checking on me, an email to my professors, and emails wishing me good health from said professors. And that is just protocol.
My professors sent work to me via my friends, I had friends check up on me, I have meetings for one-on-one time with my profs, and much more.
My school is awesome.
But in being sick, I realize how much work I still have to do....*sigh*
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Dilemma
I'm currently enrolled in an African Politics class and I have been looking forward to it since last March when I found out about it and got in. My problem is, I have been to a country in Africa: Kenya (in case you didn't know). And since going, I have had an adverse reaction to people clumping together Africa as a whole.
In Kenya, we had a dinner with a group of Kenyan bloggers and other intellectuals (I hate that term too) during which I was lambasted for saying "Africa" rather than "Kenya". And they had a point.
Africa is a very diverse continent with 53 counties (possibility of more soon) recognized by the U.N. It has hundreds, if not thousands of tribes and languages being spoken as well. And yet we clump it together.
Kenya alone has a rich history of political, economic, tribal, and socio-political issues that sets it apart from its neighbors. Beyond this, people from each country have their own customs and usually get offended by being clumped together.
So, you might be wondering why I am writing this; is it just for catharsis? No. It is because I want people to know, and I want people to understand why people do this (especially Westerners).
Africa is scary! When most people think of Africa they think of either a giant wilderness or of the scary African natives. Why?
In general, we have a history of doing this: "Heart of Darkness", "The Lion King", "Out of Africa", the AIDS crisis, National Geographic, Drought Relief Services Reports. Pretty much whatever we look at, we find objectification on Africa.
Why is it that we can show women from Africa's breasts but if they are from anywhere else it is considered uncouth? They are the crazy foreigners, its just what they do.
Why is it we can show the genitals of Africans in movies but not of other people? They are the crazy foreigners, its just what they do.
Why is it we can show Africans dying in documentaries without any hesitation, but other countries its hard to be able to do so? They are the crazy foreigners, its just what they do. They can't help but die without the White man's help.
The list goes on....
Maybe this is just a silly pet peeve of mine, or maybe my eyes have been opened...I don't know....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Resident Life 2.0
So, we have been in RA training all of this past week and it has been really interesting.
We have a wonderful staff and I am really excited, but it has been very taxing to attempt to put my hall together the way I expect it to be (all beds lofted (as is told will happen to incoming freshmen but never actually happens), all maintenance and IT issues resolved (doesn't look like they will be), and to be able to lock my door without issue (probably won't happen).
Because of all of this, I have not had time to mingle or even really talk to the three (maybe more) residents that I already have...and they all live next to me (two in one room and one in the other)...I mean really?!
I told them that I would be busy and gave them my number if they needed me but, nonetheless I feel bad!
But I have been working really hard and I am very excited for this coming year...I just hope that it goes well and without too many issues...but this is the hall that had over $1000 in damages to Exit Signs alone last year....
Last thing: I had to spend $319.70 on books this semester and I have a book for each hour that I am in class...really? I mean REALLY?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So, I Kinda Suck....
I realize now as I'm about to have to blog about my time in Kenya (if you don't know already idk what i should do with you...more info here) that I kinda suck at blogging unless I have to....
I mean I do microblog (whatever that is) and I do have a photostream on the side there where I photoblog...but for the most part I don't update the actual blog part of this page.
And for that I am sorry. Now I do have a bit of an excuse, lately, my life has been very I see no need to bore you all (whomever you may be) with the mundane details of my day to day life without any real insight...hence why I rarely post on my other blog. Without some need to blog I just don't.
But I have made a resolution of sorts...I will attempt to increase my bloggage (is that a word?) even if it is simply an update about how mundane my life is at the moment.
So, on that note: I spent yesterday in San Francisco and walked 10 miles (I google mapped this after the fact to find out how far I had trekked) and now I have a MASSIVE blister on my right foot...perfect for going to a foreign country! :D YAY! jk, jk
Nonetheless, I had a great time and had a wonderful lunch, explored some fascinating areas and scoped out some new places to eat! :D (If you're wondering why I didn't have a wonderful dinner, it is because I had to wake up at 3 AM today to get ready for my flight and I decided to OD on sugar so I passed out via Cinnabon, this worked out wonderfully until I had 3 friends call me.)
Well, I have to go, there is something going on with my flight that I didn't pay attention to...oh, they're trying to get people to ditch it to make more
Nonetheless, I am STARVING...adieu!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I wrote 20 pages last hands are SO sore.......and I'm taking a later final for one of my classes because of this, my lack of sleep and my need to study more....
2 more finals left: MLK and African Art
20 more pages of paper left: NGO Theory
19 rooms I need to check out personally before I can leave....
also, still need to pack up EVERYTHING.....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
A Hard Question
In order to go to Africa with the ONE Campaign, I had to fill out a long application. But one question really got me thinking:
"Why should you be one of the five students who are selected to come on this trip?"Well, I don't quite know. So, I don't have an answer yet. But its really gotten me to think about what qualifies someone to do anything. Why should I get to go and not another activist? What makes me special? And for that matter, what makes it so I should not be picked to go?
If you have any comments, I'd love to hear. Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it. *sigh*
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Working My Fingers to the B-O-N-E!
So, in the past week I've written 4 papers, 10 pages of ONE Stuff, an innumerable amount of emails, and of course typed up pages of class notes and written out even more than that.
I think college has given me carpel tunnel....I wonder if the surgery for it is included in my tuition; because it definitely should be!
ONE is going well. Look forward to like 30 updates on it this week! I have a bunch to do. Well, after I type this midterm paper I'm procrastinating from! O.0
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I am INSANELY Excited!
So, ONE just posted this on the OCC Blog and I think this is AMAZING!
These are the 40 students who currently have the most points in the 15 “individual actions” we announced yesterday. Submit more of these actions and your name will move up on the list!So, According to ONE, I am one of the top ONE anti-poverty activists in the nation. This is CRAZY! So, I will keep you updated on it!
Only the top 20 will be invited to submit projects to compete for 5 spots on our 2009 OCC trip to Africa.
1 Nick Stevens, Webster University, 100565
2 Justin Kralemann, Baylor University, 55285
3 Mike Fazzino, Sacred Heart University, 48350
4 Tomas Moreno, Wofford College, 45710
Read the full article here.
Monday, March 9, 2009
My New Life
So, the biggest thing in my life right now is ONE. I am putting almost all of my efforts into it. And you can track our progress here!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm Procrastinating....With Pictures!
Some pictures of my excursion on Saturday with my friends Amy, Kelsey, and Elizabeth!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Catching Up With Yourself
So, I've started the process of catching up with myself. I've begun doing the thing I dread the most...focusing time for myself....
Its hard, but I know that I need it. My friends have started to worry about me and my work has started to falter...but I'm jumping back on the horse and riding again. I know how important it is that I continue my work and that I focus myself.
I still have no idea what I'm going to be doing for summer, let alone spring break...but I'm ok with that.
I will most likely be going to D.C. two more times this semester and hopefully either NYC or Seattle as well (both maybe!?). As much as I feel like I need to escape to visit one of my friends at another college and recharge myself, I'm at the same time feeling better with being here and finding ways to recharge here.
On other notes, I'm single again....and I'm ok with that. Also, I have my first test of the semester next week! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Insanity and Intensity
Well, my life is getting busier and busier every day. I feel like I'm facing an insurmountable amount of work ahead of me that just gets bigger every day. I finally think I understand why people think I'm insane when I tell them everything I do.....
As such, I am going to be dropping one of my favorite classes. I am going to be focusing on rounding out my life as well. In doing this, I'm hoping to learn how to say "no" to people just to keep my sanity.
So, this isn't a happy blog....sorry...there will be more added to it as the day progresses but yea, I'm drowning. LOL. And I told everyone that I was fine, that I would always be fine. j/k!
I will be cutting things out in my life, I have to; but I am also working on my New Year's Resolution during all of this.... And I think that is what will make sure I can continue.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Day 1.....
Well, Day 1 is almost done. Only 32 more minutes where this can go worse....
Ok, that may have been an exaggeration. Today has just been a day and a half. While all of the classes where we discussed the final said there wouldn't be one (YAY!), there was everything else.
Well, as such, I was happy. That is until I found out I have a 15 page paper on property rights that comprises 50% of my grade, I have a playwright study that is 9 pages that is 20% and several other none-too-nice assignments.....AWESOME!
Other than that I just have a crazy schedule that I'm attempting to export onto Google so you can see the ridiculousness! :D YAY!
The End of an Era....
Well, interim is officially over. I can't prolong it any more. The new semester (for me) will start in less than 8 hours....
The Besties! :D
The biggest problem with this is that I had a rockin' interim! While I didn't have the best class, sorry Tolstoy! It was a good class and I feel like I learned a lot. But what I will miss is the time to have fun. I was able to get to know a really great person who is now a really good friend to me.
I was also able to get back in touch with two people who mean the world to me....And then there is the fact that I've been able to really be there for someone special to know who you are....
But with the semester, comes the schedule posted in the previous post....And papers, tests, work, R.A. obligations, assignments, reading, conferences, travel, and a whole lot of no-sleep.
Because of these things, I feel like I won't be able to have much fun. I mean, given my track record of usually forcing myself to get off campus at least once a month its going to be hard.... But I am hopeful. I do hope that I will be able to find a happy medium, a balance between the work and the fun. I obviously won't be going off campus every day, but I am going to make an effort to have as much free time as possible and still keep the grades I want.
But only time will tell. Please stay tuned as I update on the new semester and best of all, the new schedule!
From Interim at Wofford 09 |
Monday, January 26, 2009
ACK! I'm Like Cathy!

Beyond this, I am going to be trying to find funding, etc to attend 4 different conferences during February and March. We will be doing a TON more for the ONE @ Wofford group that I run along with a new organization that I am advising called STANDNOW (a Student Anti-Genocide Organization).
Sometimes, I wonder if I can be considered student still...but I love it nonetheless! :D
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm Sick...
So, I'm on duty this weekend and quite sick. I'm taking some stuff but its a weird kind of sick...a cross between a phlegmy-throaty-monoy-fluy- kind of thing....Gross!
Beyond that, interim is almost over and as such I have bought my books for next semester! :D They only cost me $245 this time! (Oh-My-Geeze books are expensive!) Beyond this, I am getting my life in order for the next semester and it looks like I'm going to be attending 4 conferences and presenting at (a minimum of) 2 of them. For the summer, I'm looking into getting two one month internships (paid!), but they are in two different states...and that leaves me with nothing to do for a month during which I am thinking about coming home and chilling there for the month whilst I work like 5 jobs hopefully...but se la vie! also snowed the other day at WoCo! That was AMAZING! I have some great pics that my picasa has; just use the link to the right to see them! :D
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Life as I know it...
Well, things are going well...enough.
I have a funny life sometimes. While my interim class isn't what I hoped it would be (by any stretch of the imagination), it is still fun because its giving me more time with one of my favorite friends.
Beyond this, I am getting back to know some of my closest friends before the semester and Wofford's academics take our lives over again. Though this vein, I have befriended a really cool guy who is coming here next year.
On the work side of things, I am trying to get a job (maybe just an internship) with Bread for the World that I'm really excited about. And then I'm tossing around the idea of applying for an internship in New York during August.
So my life is busy, and a little soap opera-y....what of it?
Any advice?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'm Back!
So, I'm back to blogging here. The whole school blog thing is not working so well, nonetheless, you can come here for a more fun time.
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