So, after our AMAZING win against APP State last week, we have a LOT to live up to but, I know that we can. This weekend, we are going to be playing against our rivals, Furman. This game should prove to be an AMAZING long as I can keep the crowd
I will be the leader of the Dog Pack for this one.
Yea, you heard me.
This weekend, my RA Hayes is going to be on duty thus, he cannot go to the game...which means that another has to take the mantel of leader...that is me.... I mean I'm honored and I love it. But I must admit its kinda scary.
So, here are my plans:
1. Ditch the idea of doing "Quintessential" on our chests, save that one for Family Weekend.
2. Get the girls about T-Shirts or Tanks that correspond with what we are going to do!?
3. Guys, lets keep it small, but powerful "GO WOFFORD!" whilst the girls sport "BOO FURMAN!"
4. Let's REALLY get this crowd a cheering! Everyone, rest your voices. Because this game is going to prove who the men and who the puppies are....which do you want to be?
5. Let's just make sure we REALLY have some fun! I mean this one is pretty much everything we've been prepping for all year...lets make it count!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
A TON of New Pics!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
WE DOMINATED APP STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This means that by proxy we owned Michigan State as well! YAY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and Caroline

Sami, Caroline, Cam, Marisa, Coach's Head, Me and Chad
This means that by proxy we owned Michigan State as well! YAY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and Caroline
Sami, Caroline, Cam, Marisa, Coach's Head, Me and Chad
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sadness, major
So, today was the saddest day of my college life so far.
We lost...
we lost to our rivals, Furman...
I mean at least it was only in volleyball...but I mean come on! We will get our revenge....just wait!

My face after the game.

My board after the loss.
We lost...
we lost to our rivals, Furman...
I mean at least it was only in volleyball...but I mean come on! We will get our revenge....just wait!
My face after the game.
My board after the loss.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Mraz & TheWorkingTitle
WOW, so the concert was AMAZING!!!!! And really cheap! YAY! I have a new AMAZING band I love, TheWorkingTitle, and I love Mraz A TON more! WOW......AMAZING.....YEA
Friday, September 14, 2007
Well, today the WoCo soccer team hosted the Wofford-Adidas Soccer Invitational. I was privileged enough to be asked to be a ball jockey for them. This means that whenever a ball goes out I throw them a new one and pick up the out ball so the game may continue. Luckily, this came with the caveat that I got paid $5 and I received a free T-Shirt (I ended up getting another free one because the Dog Pack loves me and some gift certificates to Wendy's). It was (is) fun....and then the rain came. It started raining after the first game of the night and then as soon as the Wofford-Ashville game started, it poured. The game had to be postponed numerous times because of lightning and currently, we are awaiting the outcome of the game...canceled or not.....But it was (is) fun despite the rain because I get to support the team, and I get to be on the field without actually being on the field. YAY!
BTW, there will be a LOT of pictures posted this weekend...including ice cream social, tomorrow, tonight, dorm room(!) randomness, sprinkles, Milliken study sessions, hug day, "!", and more.........
Well, as I sit (sorta lay...whatever) here in Milliken before my next class (starting in 50 minutes) I can't help but to I'm blogging!
First, let's get some things straight, I don't really want to be a bio just doesn't feel right to me. And true, I won't be "behind" but I wouldn't be as ahead as I could (bio major declare-ees were provided the chance to start working on the requirements by taking a higher bio class than Intro to Animal Bio. Moreover, I really do like psychology and I hear that sociology goes right along with it....but before I "officially" declare I will be taking some more classes to bet on my way so don't worry, they really try to make sure that you don't waste too much time. Also, the fact that it is a liberal arts education here at WoCo means that we automatically try a lot of don't worry, I have my bases covered :D
Second, the school blog will be starting soon...I have all the paperwork turned in and today I will be taking a picture which will be the temporary picture (until they can get a professional photographer) for the blog. Then it is just a password, some formatting, and some pictures/typing until I have it ready to go. When that happens, I will be linking this page to that (via a side bar hyperlink) so, just stay tuned.
Third, the weekend! WOW, it feels like only yesterday I was dragging through Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and wishing that the weekend would just come already....and now I feel like it almost came too soon....but I do have 2 more classes to attend and a Humanities paper to turn in before today's academic day is over (plus some meetings I have to go to to become an Ambassador (tour guide). YAY!
So, the plans for the weekend....hmmmmm
Well, Friday, I plan on seeing American Grafitti here on campus, do a movie night (maybe) of Life is Beautiful (depending) maybe going to the library to see if they have some interesting DVDs to check out. And have Chris stay over because he hates his roomie (poor guy!). Saturday includes the Hub-bub junk sale (see ) and maybe getting a few things....maybe not, depending then on to Venus Pie for lunch (if we have time) and then to the Jason Mraz show at Converse.
And probably some more randomness....maybe a trip to Barnes & Noble to get some more things for the wall....hmmmm....Sunday will include homework, some random dance parties, a Rubi marathon, and some Telemundiales being shown in my room.....and food....and sleep....lots of both of those!
Hopefully, this weekend will be fun (my plans excite me but who know what will end up occurring!) but I know that no matter what....I have 1984 to read and some homemade cookies to look foreword to from Velma
Oh, btw, I got a call back for Wofford on Call which means I could have a REAL job!!!! I know right!? But all in all, I'm looking foreword to my's supposed to be casual, but I think I'm going to be professional casual because I really want it....but only time will tell.
Oops, btw, Wofford on Call is the group of students who call the Alum for money...YAY telemarketing (Troy, watch out!) And what is great is that it is set your own hours (with a min each week) and there are a TON of bonuses for nightly goals, weekly goals, semesterly goals, top seller, ect. I think that this could be fun and helpful to the college....that plus my blogging and the Ambassadors, Wofford is starting to become the school of Tomas..............just wait!
First, let's get some things straight, I don't really want to be a bio just doesn't feel right to me. And true, I won't be "behind" but I wouldn't be as ahead as I could (bio major declare-ees were provided the chance to start working on the requirements by taking a higher bio class than Intro to Animal Bio. Moreover, I really do like psychology and I hear that sociology goes right along with it....but before I "officially" declare I will be taking some more classes to bet on my way so don't worry, they really try to make sure that you don't waste too much time. Also, the fact that it is a liberal arts education here at WoCo means that we automatically try a lot of don't worry, I have my bases covered :D
Second, the school blog will be starting soon...I have all the paperwork turned in and today I will be taking a picture which will be the temporary picture (until they can get a professional photographer) for the blog. Then it is just a password, some formatting, and some pictures/typing until I have it ready to go. When that happens, I will be linking this page to that (via a side bar hyperlink) so, just stay tuned.
Third, the weekend! WOW, it feels like only yesterday I was dragging through Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and wishing that the weekend would just come already....and now I feel like it almost came too soon....but I do have 2 more classes to attend and a Humanities paper to turn in before today's academic day is over (plus some meetings I have to go to to become an Ambassador (tour guide). YAY!
So, the plans for the weekend....hmmmmm
Well, Friday, I plan on seeing American Grafitti here on campus, do a movie night (maybe) of Life is Beautiful (depending) maybe going to the library to see if they have some interesting DVDs to check out. And have Chris stay over because he hates his roomie (poor guy!). Saturday includes the Hub-bub junk sale (see ) and maybe getting a few things....maybe not, depending then on to Venus Pie for lunch (if we have time) and then to the Jason Mraz show at Converse.
And probably some more randomness....maybe a trip to Barnes & Noble to get some more things for the wall....hmmmm....Sunday will include homework, some random dance parties, a Rubi marathon, and some Telemundiales being shown in my room.....and food....and sleep....lots of both of those!
Hopefully, this weekend will be fun (my plans excite me but who know what will end up occurring!) but I know that no matter what....I have 1984 to read and some homemade cookies to look foreword to from Velma
Oh, btw, I got a call back for Wofford on Call which means I could have a REAL job!!!! I know right!? But all in all, I'm looking foreword to my's supposed to be casual, but I think I'm going to be professional casual because I really want it....but only time will tell.
Oops, btw, Wofford on Call is the group of students who call the Alum for money...YAY telemarketing (Troy, watch out!) And what is great is that it is set your own hours (with a min each week) and there are a TON of bonuses for nightly goals, weekly goals, semesterly goals, top seller, ect. I think that this could be fun and helpful to the college....that plus my blogging and the Ambassadors, Wofford is starting to become the school of Tomas..............just wait!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
So, today we had our first biology lab today. And it made me want to become a bio major....grrrrr this would:
1. Put me behind because I'm not taking the classes I should be for a bio major.
2. Interfere with my current plans of being a psychology/sociology double major with a philosophy minor.
GRRRR...idk....maybe I could minor in bio....or I could jst let go....yea, I think I'm gonna do that
1. Put me behind because I'm not taking the classes I should be for a bio major.
2. Interfere with my current plans of being a psychology/sociology double major with a philosophy minor.
GRRRR...idk....maybe I could minor in bio....or I could jst let go....yea, I think I'm gonna do that
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Well...class.....pretty much that's it, oh and a movie presentation here at WoCo that's free, I think it's some type of an indie film...or something like that.....kewl! Update! It is actually a Cannes Film Festival winner called Days of Glory in the US...aka Indigenes, apparently it takes place in France...idk if that means that it is going to be in French or what but I LOVE subtitled movies so....YAY! And I will add a review n such afterwards, depending on the amount of time I have left afterwards including homework.
Bio. toady went VERY slow and we went VERY fast and it was annoying...but I guess we had to move sometime! LOL
Philo. today went VERY fast YAY (thanks Adam!)
Esp. was a TON of speaking which is still odd since in H.S. we didn't do too much of that...but I guess I have to move along and progress at some point....whatever! LOL
Bio. toady went VERY slow and we went VERY fast and it was annoying...but I guess we had to move sometime! LOL
Philo. today went VERY fast YAY (thanks Adam!)
Esp. was a TON of speaking which is still odd since in H.S. we didn't do too much of that...but I guess I have to move along and progress at some point....whatever! LOL
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Weekend Times
The Beacon is an...experience, one that I don't know if I want to relive again, but will do so if it comes to that. Barnes & Noble dancing in the parking lot is FUN! Southern malls are great! Movie nights that end up in randomness and people falling asleep randomly. The sleeping in until noon and then waking up and kicking people out of my room LOL! The randomness goes on! Then comes the making of the T-Shirts for Free Hug Day (pics to come) and the Game...where I was the "!" YAY! (again, pics to come). WOW...this weekend was great, it was an AMAZING time and a GREAT way to end the first actual week of I'm going to
The Week In Review
So...the first week.
Well, there were the three papers that were annoying. There were the massive amounts of scariness that came when Red Chic came out with her class expectations and such which pretty much scared the living daylights out of me...and the rest of the class. Then it goes to Beast who more or less is ADD and has the inflection of a dying stump. Ok, maybe that was a little harsh but EVERYONE in that class falls asleep in the class...luckily Adam gave me the advice of spurring a conversation about the material, he said that it kept him awake in class, it made the class go quicker, and it made Beast like him more. Jean is a nice teacher but after the first two days, she took it VERY fast and made it scary...but whatever. Spreckle is ok...but she is VERY harsh when it comes to pronunciation....oh well tho. I think that I've done ok with it so far. And then there is Mama, she is GREAT she is soooooo happy and she LOVES is soooo nice. She is a breath of fresh air...and I love it.
Now it comes to the social life. It has been GREAT! I have had some GREAT times with GREAT peoples. I love it. They TOTALLY get me! They know EXACTLY what to say (usually) and they know when to come and when to go (usually). I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Well, there were the three papers that were annoying. There were the massive amounts of scariness that came when Red Chic came out with her class expectations and such which pretty much scared the living daylights out of me...and the rest of the class. Then it goes to Beast who more or less is ADD and has the inflection of a dying stump. Ok, maybe that was a little harsh but EVERYONE in that class falls asleep in the class...luckily Adam gave me the advice of spurring a conversation about the material, he said that it kept him awake in class, it made the class go quicker, and it made Beast like him more. Jean is a nice teacher but after the first two days, she took it VERY fast and made it scary...but whatever. Spreckle is ok...but she is VERY harsh when it comes to pronunciation....oh well tho. I think that I've done ok with it so far. And then there is Mama, she is GREAT she is soooooo happy and she LOVES is soooo nice. She is a breath of fresh air...and I love it.
Now it comes to the social life. It has been GREAT! I have had some GREAT times with GREAT peoples. I love it. They TOTALLY get me! They know EXACTLY what to say (usually) and they know when to come and when to go (usually). I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Being Pantsed By a Squirrel
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Impression That I Get

LMAO! WOW! So, Hayes, That was seriously like a great prank that Me n Darbs and Cam did to you lol and your retaliation cannot be as funny as our initial prank have keys into all of our rooms......oops! LOL Whatever, you know that we rule and I can't wait to find out what is going to happen...just make sure I'm not duct taped to my bed....remember I don't have a roomie to cut me off...but feel free to do that to Cam and Darbs lol!
1st Day(s) were GREAT!
1. Bio with Goldey--she seems really cool and like a LOT of fun, I cannot wait for her random fun times!
2. Philosophy with Michelman--he seems really nice, and genuinely interested in everything he talks about...although he also kinda seems a little ADD...but I LOVE THAT!
3. Espanol with Powers--this will be a good year and I know that I will learn a TON of Spanish and through some interesting ways (eg. Telenovelas, peliculas, ect.)
4. Humanities with Sweitzer--The topics we are to discuss sound very interesting!
5. Wellness with Wallace--it seems like a really personal class that will be helpful for my 1st year and more!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Dressing up...for a Football game??
So, the 1st football game was this weekend (Saturday) and it was AMAZING! We RULE! Apparently it's a tradition to dress up for the 1st game of the season so, Velma and I did a 50s collegiate theme together! It RULES! And it was a fun game...but I'm glad that I don't have to dress up (or at all) for the other games...Hayes I'm joining the "W-O-F-F-O-R-D-!" peoples...maybe I can be another "!" lmao! Who knows!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Super Powers!
So, I totally have to blog this goes!
While eating dinner the other night (two night ago maybe...idk) my RA Hayes came and asked me and my friends what super power we would have if we could. I said I had would be the Aquaman power of talking to fish so that right before I ate them as sushi I could see what they were thinking.
Tomas *using powers*: Aahh...little fish you seem nervous, what's wrong??
Little Fish: I-I'm scared everyone is disappearing!
Tomas *still using powers*: Don't worry little fish--*Tomas takes fish out of the water and decapitates it to make sushi*--now you have disappeared too!
My second power (the one I would REALLY have) was teleportation like Nightcrawler with the whole clouds thing.
Then came the real question..
Would you keep the power if you had to be naked all the time or would you be normal? Obviously I said that I would be naked....this is where the clouds would come in handy because they would be strategically placed (lol)! And so now I am part of the Naked Super Friends! YAY!
While eating dinner the other night (two night ago maybe...idk) my RA Hayes came and asked me and my friends what super power we would have if we could. I said I had would be the Aquaman power of talking to fish so that right before I ate them as sushi I could see what they were thinking.
Tomas *using powers*: Aahh...little fish you seem nervous, what's wrong??
Little Fish: I-I'm scared everyone is disappearing!
Tomas *still using powers*: Don't worry little fish--*Tomas takes fish out of the water and decapitates it to make sushi*--now you have disappeared too!
My second power (the one I would REALLY have) was teleportation like Nightcrawler with the whole clouds thing.
Then came the real question..
Would you keep the power if you had to be naked all the time or would you be normal? Obviously I said that I would be naked....this is where the clouds would come in handy because they would be strategically placed (lol)! And so now I am part of the Naked Super Friends! YAY!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
My Three Adopted Children
Today (Friday), we were taken to complete service projects and learn more about our new hope, Spartanburg. And we were split into various groups (including SPACE, Arcadia (!), Downtown, Soup Kitchen, and more). I was put into Arcadia. Arcadia is a school in Spartanburg with approximately 66% Hispanic population, which is the most in all of South Carolina. Moreover, they allow the kids to attend school approximately 48 weeks during the year. And students attend from 7:00am to 6:30pm. The students, according to the principal, are knocking on the doors trying to get us to let them in before 7:00am. Also, all students receive a free breakfast, lunch, and snack. The trip was amazing. Once we arrived, I decided that I was going to adopt three of the children. And they would be mine. And they would all have different mothers. But whatever right!? ☺
P.S. BTW I’ve decided that I’m going to be living there for the next 4 years as a mentor for all the children
P.S. BTW I’ve decided that I’m going to be living there for the next 4 years as a mentor for all the children
Showering In Front of Your Class
So, today (Thursday) we were in our “Summit Adventures” which are all of our breakout sessions (4 of which were held on campus and out of Camp Greystone) and it was AMAZING (I just realized that I say that word WAY too much! lol). This is why a bunch of us went back to the campus last night…and I have to say…I thought that this was INCREDIBLE (yes, I found a new word!)!!! So, the “adventure” that I had was “Pulling Back The Curtain” which was all about theater and which included us doing a performance in front of all of the people (and staff) at Wofford College at the time (many from the Freshman class were still at Camp Greystone). So, after completing a few acting exercises (including me being a Canadian moose who terrorizes people and me having a “great time” with someone whilst her roommate was in the room) we went on to create our show for the rest of the class (there at WoCo) to see…mine was showering: the differences between girls and boys.
“Don’t Drop The Soap: A Day In The Life of The Wofford Showers” was born…which included me sleeping in until about 10 minutes before my 1st class, putting on smelly shorts, using a smelly t-shirt as a towel, dropping trouser in front of my class, washing my face right after washing my butt…. after being frozen for a minute in a butt washing position…all in pantomime in front of my classmates….and the deans….it was GREAT! This all occurred while my friend Tori was a frantic showerer who simply could not get everything together without MAJOR stressing…it was GREAT!
And when it was all over, I realized how much I missed the theater, and how much I missed being on stage and having people talk to me after the show about it. It was AMAZINGLY INCREADIBLE!!!! And I don’t know if I can EVER go back to not doing shows…even if they are just improv. troupes…and I think that I might prefer that…but I don’t know….I guess only time will tell, at here at WoCo I think that I will discover all of this within my 4 years here…but again, only time will tell, but I CAN’T WAIT!
“Don’t Drop The Soap: A Day In The Life of The Wofford Showers” was born…which included me sleeping in until about 10 minutes before my 1st class, putting on smelly shorts, using a smelly t-shirt as a towel, dropping trouser in front of my class, washing my face right after washing my butt…. after being frozen for a minute in a butt washing position…all in pantomime in front of my classmates….and the deans….it was GREAT! This all occurred while my friend Tori was a frantic showerer who simply could not get everything together without MAJOR stressing…it was GREAT!
And when it was all over, I realized how much I missed the theater, and how much I missed being on stage and having people talk to me after the show about it. It was AMAZINGLY INCREADIBLE!!!! And I don’t know if I can EVER go back to not doing shows…even if they are just improv. troupes…and I think that I might prefer that…but I don’t know….I guess only time will tell, at here at WoCo I think that I will discover all of this within my 4 years here…but again, only time will tell, but I CAN’T WAIT!
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