Friday, September 14, 2007


Well, today the WoCo soccer team hosted the Wofford-Adidas Soccer Invitational. I was privileged enough to be asked to be a ball jockey for them. This means that whenever a ball goes out I throw them a new one and pick up the out ball so the game may continue. Luckily, this came with the caveat that I got paid $5 and I received a free T-Shirt (I ended up getting another free one because the Dog Pack loves me and some gift certificates to Wendy's). It was (is) fun....and then the rain came. It started raining after the first game of the night and then as soon as the Wofford-Ashville game started, it poured. The game had to be postponed numerous times because of lightning and currently, we are awaiting the outcome of the game...canceled or not.....But it was (is) fun despite the rain because I get to support the team, and I get to be on the field without actually being on the field. YAY!

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