Saturday, August 18, 2007


Sitting here, I've realized that almost is probably the worst word ever. Period, that's it, it is the worst word in the history of the world. I mean almost, it technically means: not quite or very nearly. Its more or less the absence of being done or being happy, or being anything. I mean, I'm ALMOST done living here in California, I'm ALMOST ready to go to South Carolina, I'm ALMOST ready to move on with my life, I ALMOST feel as if I can be happy for the rest of my life, I'm ALMOST about to meet my summer-time buddy, I ALMOST everything. I just don't get it. Why would anybody want to be ALMOST. I am so ready to be done with all these ALMOST's they are driving me mad! Why in the world should I let my life ALMOST be ruled by ALMOST's. I just don't get it. I really want ALMOST to be erased from my vocabulary. But then, could I ever be complete? Do you have to first be ALMSOT before you can be complete? I mean can you go from nothing to complete? If you could would that mean that I could walk outside and meet the person I am to spend the rest of my life with? If so, then I want a certain person to come by so we can see if life really can work that way. But back to ALMOST, it simply is the perfect way to describe my life right now. I am ALMOST.....I'm in between everything right now, I'm nearing the end of one life and I'm nearing the beginning of my next (hopefully better) life in the South. But, I haven't taken that first step. I mean I understand that "the first step is the hardest". And I am constantly reminded of that by those who have traveled before me but my problem is, I simply don't know whether I haven't taken the first step because I haven't seen it yet because its not yet time, or because I'm not ready to leave everything that I've known, grown up with, felt comfortable with, and needed. And everything is about to change....well ALMOST...

1 comment:

  1. Well, think about things. With all of you ALMOST's, there's a big degree of certainty. Even though you were ALMOST gonna be in SC, now you're here. Tomorrow, you will be done ALMOST getting to meet you summer-time buddy and that to will come to pass. Sure there's an ALMOST between everything, but you know that in the end these things will come to pass. So, you should take comfort in the fact that though you're in between right now, eventually you won't be. You can't stay inbetween forever! And don't be afraid about that first step, you'll know it when you take it, though in my opinion flying to the opposite side of the country constitutes a huge first step. Without that flight none of tomorrow's thrill or that of the year to come, would be possible. And remember, you have so many people behind you who are proud of you and want to do all they can to help you succeed. Tomorrow, we're all going through the same thing. Not always on the same scale, but still the same thing. So take comfort in that fact as well. And also remember that at least 1 person I know of is going to be so unbelievable happy to banish these ALMOST's and see you tomorrow! I loved this blog though, it said so much, love....
